Retezat Mountains in the Carpathians

Retezat Mountains in the Carpathians
Retezat Mountains landscape (taken by my daughter Laura and my husband Victor)

Monday, 19 January 2009

This blog was created in order to help students who learn English through advertising as well as those who learn advertising through English.


  1. Hi, Ani!
    Lovely blog, congrats! I celebrate the topic you've chosen. I find adverts are a rich source of input for my lessons. There's so much that EFL learners can get out of them. I'll be keeping track of your blog to learn about both English and advertising.

  2. Hi Ani, I'll be following your blog too since I have used ads in some of my classes for years. I love how creatively language is used in advertising. I guess your choice of topic has to do with your Business English students. Am I right?

  3. Hi Analia, Hi Alicia,
    it's reassuring to have both of you here with me
    Alicia, yes I teach English through advertising to Business students but every now and then :-) I have to teach an Intro to Advertising for students of other languages than Romanian, i.e last year I taught a-ing to students in Riga, Latvia. I hope this blog will represent an opportunity for me to keep in touch with them and continue cooperation with them. That's why, with your help, I created it, actually.
